100% Agave de Silvestres Mexicano

Espiritu Lauro Silvestres Mexicano-web
bottle size
  • Notes of fermented fruit
  • Sweet, intense flavors enveloped with vegetal nuances
  • Astringent with a sweet and smooth finish
  • Neat in an aperitif glass
  • Plant Age: 14 –18 years
  • Elevation: 3,450 – 4,000 ft
  • Terrain: Mountain borders
  • Propagation: Seed dispersal by animals

Production Process

[ 6 – 30 Years Old; Varies per Agave Varietal { Hand Harvest of Agave Piña } ] + Pit-Roasting + Egyptian Mill* [ Tahona Chilena ]

[ Wooden Barrels x 5- to 15 Days ]

Copper Pot Distillation

Artisan Mezcal